(Our Banner Vol 15 1888, Pages 326-327)

Pastor J. C. K. Milligan of 1st RP Church New York and Editor of Our Banner:

The most progressive cannot find fault with Synod in this matter, though doubtless many of our conservatives have been taken by surprise. By a four-fifths vote, Synod declares that "the ordination of women to the office of Deacon is in harmony with the New Testament and with the constitution of the apostolic Church." Other bodies have recognized a special office of Deaconess; but this admits women to share with men in the duties of the regular church office of Deacon. No other Church has taken this ground; the Dutch Reformed deny her the right to vote even for church officers, and the Presbyterians exclude her from speaking or praying among men in the prayer meeting. Synod felt that discussion was necessary; and it appointed a committee to present the argument at an early day through the magazines. In this number of Our Banner, an article by Dr. Vermilye, of the Dutch Reformed Church, satisfactorily explains some of the disputed texts, and vindicates women's rights in the social worship of the Church. Since God has endowed women with eminent gifts, it is unreasonable to suppose that He forbids them to use these in His service. We have had no hesitancy in proclaiming as a Bible truth that women may and ought to pray and speak in social prayer meetings; that they may vote at elections; that they may speak in public if they have ability and opportunity; and that they are peculiarly fitted as Deaconesses to take care of the poor, the sick, the orphan, etc. Our difficulty is to find a warrant for her ordination to regular office work, and we shall wait anxiously for the argument of the committee. In the meantime, it is to be distinctly understood that Synod would as strongly deny woman's right to be ordained either as a minister or elder.