Mark 2:1-17

Authority to Forgive



Summary & Bible Study

Sermon Summary: Mark 2:1-17 - Jesus, Authority to Forgive

  1. Introduction to the Passage (Mark 2:1-17)

    • Jesus enters Capernaum, where His presence attracts a large crowd.

    • Focuses on two stories: the healing of the paralytic and the calling of Levi (Matthew), the tax collector.

  2. The Healing of the Paralytic (Verses 1-12)

    • Desperate faith: Four men bring a paralyzed man to Jesus, even digging through a roof.

    • Jesus, seeing their faith, first forgives the man's sins before healing his physical ailment.

    • This act raises theological questions about Jesus’ authority and power.

    • Connection with Westminster Catechism: Christ's divine authority to forgive sins (Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 54).

  3. Reactions to Jesus’ Actions

    • Scribes question Jesus’ authority to forgive sins, highlighting a lack of understanding of His divine nature.

    • The crowd is amazed by Jesus’ miracle and glorifies God, recognizing His authority.

  4. The Calling of Levi (Verses 13-17)

    • Jesus calls Levi, a tax collector, a profession despised at the time.

    • Demonstrates Jesus’ willingness to reach out to social outcasts and sinners.

    • Levi's response is an example of complete obedience and faith.

  5. Jesus Eating with Sinners

    • Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners, causing controversy among the religious leaders.

    • Jesus’ response emphasizes His mission to call sinners to repentance, not the righteous.

  6. Practical Applications

    • The need for faith in Jesus as the only hope for spiritual and physical healing.

    • Understanding that Jesus’ miracles were signs of His divine authority and mission.

    • The importance of recognizing our sins and need for a Savior.

    • The call for believers to have a repentant heart and to trust in Christ’s righteousness.

  7. Conclusion and Prayer

    • A call to reflect on the gospel’s power in our lives and the need for continual reliance on Jesus, the Great Physician, for spiritual healing and growth.

Corresponding Bible Study

  1. Discuss the Significance of Faith in Jesus’ Miracles

    • Read Mark 2:1-12. Discuss how the faith of the paralytic and his friends led to both spiritual and physical healing.

    • Explore how Jesus’ response to faith can be seen in our lives today.

  2. Understanding Jesus' Authority to Forgive Sins

    • Examine Jesus' statement in Mark 2:5 and discuss its implications for our understanding of His divine nature.

    • Reference Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 54 for theological insights.

  3. Reflection on Jesus’ Interaction with Sinners

    • Read Mark 2:13-17. Reflect on Jesus’ willingness to call and dine with sinners like Levi.

    • Discuss the importance of humility and recognizing our need for Jesus.

  4. Application of the Sermon’s Teachings in Daily Life

    • How can we show desperate faith like the friends of the paralytic in our own lives?

    • In what ways can we extend Jesus’ love and grace to those considered ‘outcasts’ in society today?

  5. Prayer and Commitment

    • Pray for deeper faith and trust in Jesus.

    • Commit to being more accepting and loving towards all, reflecting Jesus’ example.

Automated Sermon Manuscript

Will, you open up in your Bibles with me to the book of Mark chapter two, Matthew, Mark, second book of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, you get to Luke or John just turned back you went a little bit too far. Mark chapter two. And this morning, we'll be looking at verses one through 17.

Have to apologize to Rosalie I'm a moving target here lately. So if the sermon titles that are on your outline, disagree with a sermon handout, it's most likely my fault, but the outline is the default. So Mark chapter two verses one through 17. You know God's perfect word. And again, he entered Capernaum after some days and it was heard that he was in the house. Immediately Many gathered together so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door, and he preached the word to them. Then they came to him at bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where he was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic Son, your sins are forgiven you. And some of the scribes were sitting there and reasoning in their hearts. Why does this man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive? forgive sins but God alone? But immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they reason thus within themselves? He said to them? Why do you reason about these things in your hearts, which is easier to say to the paralytic, Your sins are forgiven or to say, arise, take up your bed and walk. But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins. He said to the paralytic, I say to you arise, take up your bed and go to your house. Immediately he arose, took up the bed and went out in the presence of them all so that they were all amazed and glorified God saying, We never saw anything like this. Then he went out again by the scene. And all the multitude came to him and he taught them. As he passed by. He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus, sitting at the tax office. He said to him, Follow me. So he arose and followed him. Now what happened as he was dining and Levis house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and his disciples. For there were many and they followed him. And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eating with the tax collectors and Senators, they said to his disciples, how is it that he eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners? When Jesus heard it, he said to them, those who are well have no need of emphasis of a physician. But those who are sick, I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. The grass whether it's in the flower fade, but brothers and sisters, a word of our God endures forever. Let's pray. Father, we thank You for Your word, like pray now desperately needing your Holy Spirit,

that you would take this true story. These words recorded in history of what happened in the past,

and that you would inscribe them on our hearts that we might believe, repent, walk before you in Jesus's name, Amen. I heard a story of a cancerous man one time, he was feeling pretty well. Not much going on in his life, but the cat and the doctor told him you have cancer and he said, I don't believe it. Walk out of the office. Didn't think about it again. Didn't go to treatment, didn't get radiation didn't undergo chemo and he quickly died. There is another First of all, I know a woman who is young and healthy, was diagnosed with cancer. She heard the bad news from her doctor, she wept. Over the sad news, she said, What do I need to do, and they prescribed to her what would need to happen with surgery, and radiation to cure her of this disease? Which one of them acted wisely? Come here. This past is a day we come face to face with a Greek physician. We come to this passage this morning, we come face to face with Jesus who heals not just our bodies, but our souls. So as we look at this passage today, I want you to come away from here knowing that you can come as sinners, to the great physician who will attend to you body and soul. First, notice in this first story of the paralytic, the desperate faith displayed, self evident verses one through four. And again, he entered Capernaum. And after some days, it was heard that he was in the house immediately, many gathered together so that there was no longer room to receive them, not even near the door. And he preached the word to him, to them, right Jesus was, it was thank God so proud of the end of chapter one that he had to go out into the wilderness. Apparently, he thinks things have calmed down a little bit, there's enough to actually get into Peters house. He's there. But then people hear Jesus is in the house. And so they start coming, they fill the house, they fill the courtyard, and they get even so far as the outer gate of the house, you can't even get near. So crowded, people want to hear Jesus, I'm sure there's a mixed group. There's people there who just wants to see another miracle. And there are other people who are thinking what type of teaching is this, I want to go here the teaching of the man with authority. So they gather in as close as they can as standing room only. Then they came to him, verse three, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near him, because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where he was, right, you can imagine these these guys. They've carried their friend from town all the way to go see this teacher to hear of this man who is able to lift someone off their bed who has a fever, who is able to heal people, and they they get to the door. How are we supposed to help our friend we can't even get into the house. And then somebody points out, but there's a stairway on the outside of the house where you can get up to the roof. So they go up to the roof. What's the plan once you get to the roof, we start taking off the thatched roof. You start removing the straw, you start removing the branches, you take off the tile that's in between the means you take out you start digging through the mud that's supposed to repel the rain. And as they are doing all this you can imagine could you imagine sitting in that house, you were one of the first people who heard about Jesus being there and you got in there and all of a sudden you start getting dirt in your hair. And you look up and dirt starts coming down from the roof and you see spotlights of sunlight coming in. And you think what in the world is going on here and then Jesus is looking up and a silhouette as the sun is is coming in. A silhouette comes down between the beams uncovered the roof where he was so when they had broken through they let him down on the bed in which the paralytic was lying to they had a desperate result. They'd be willing to get dirt underneath their fingernails. Dig through a roof. Didn't matter if Peter got upset about his roof. I'll pay for it later. We need to get a fence or friend in there. The only hope they had was Jesus. Why would they do this? Because they knew that somehow this man was going to heal their friend

well hope do you have in your heart as a Holy Spirit worked in your heart in such a way that Jesus is your only hope in this life and both this life and death. Notice Jesus's heart, take note of Jesus's heart in verse five. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic son

all your sins are forgiven you. Jesus, the holds are faith. See, this is the point that James is getting that this is Faith in Action.

As a faith that says, We believe in God so much that we heard that this one was filled with the Holy Spirit that He was baptized by John that he has, he's a teacher with authority. And so we're going to take our friend to him, and Jesus holds the group's faith. And then he goes from looking at the four guys that you could barely see through the sun. And he looks down at the man on the mat. Notice what he calls his Son. Jesus has a heart towards him a paternalistic love. Child.

Jesus is getting out, right? This is a grown man, why does he call him child because Jesus is soon going to bring the children around him and he's gonna say, unless you have faith like one of these you cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. This is childlike faith put on displayed by grown men. And then Jesus does something remarkable. But unexpected. Don't get too familiar with the Bible, right? You know these stories, but we can't get too familiar with it. Nobody's expecting what's about to come out of Jesus's mouth after the word, son. Your sins are forgiven you.

What do you mean his sins are forgiven? And they did? They just brought him here to be healed? What is it? Where did this whole sins part come in? There's a compensator on this name Schweitzer any he writes, all suffering is rooted in man separation from God. For this reason, Jesus must call attention to this man's deepest need. Otherwise, the testimony of his healing would remain nothing more than a story of a remarkable miracle. See, Jesus didn't come just to heal us of the symptoms of our sickness. But Jesus comes to bring us the cure that our souls need. Jesus heals this man. But there's kind of three theological questions that arise from this first question that I had when I came to this. So if we believe in Jesus, are all sicknesses going to be healed? Well, no, no, Jesus doesn't heal every single person. Right? But we also need to recognize the purpose of Jesus's miracles are the purpose of Jesus's miracles, and we're gonna drill down in this in a minute, is to show the veracity of His person and his authority. So no, no, the purpose of Jesus's miracles is not so he can go on a health, wealth and prosperity tour. It's not a social gospel, where he's going to cure every one of all their all their problems in this life. No, that's not what the purposes of Jesus's healing miracles are. It's not even the purposes of the miracles that the apostles did in the early church. In the early church, the apostles and they would go out with power filled by the Holy Spirit, and they were given these gifts of healings. They didn't heal every single person. But they healed at perfect times in which the Holy Spirit was going to prove the veracity of the message that they preached. So second question is, Does God still heal people today? Yes, he does. Yes, he does. This need not throw us into a charismatic tailspin. But we are not deist we don't believe that Jesus rose into heaven and God stopped working. If that was the point, why do we pray almost every week for people who have sicknesses and diseases? Now we still believe in the Greek physician, we still believe that he knit us together in our mother's womb, we still believe that He is sovereign over all things. And so yes, we still pray that God heals people. So third question, from this are all sicknesses then because of sin? Ultimately, yes. Ultimately, sickness, death into the world because of sin. So in one sense We can say that but we need to be careful with this right? Because the disciples go too far at one point. And John, chapter nine, they see a blind man. And they asked Jesus, His own disciples, they said, is Jesus who said, this man or his parents, that he is blind, and Jesus says, neither, but that you might know the power of God, and He heals the blind man. So we need to be careful about taking things too far with this. Well back to the story here as we hear about Jesus doing this miraculous miracle not everybody's happy. See, there are some scruples that the scribes have with me at verse six, and seven. And some of the scribes are sitting there and reasoning in their hearts. Why does this man speak blasphemies like this? Who can forgive sins, but God alone? They're having this conversation in their hearts with themselves. They're not speaking these words out loud, but in their hearts are wrestling with this right? Have you ever seen someone get displeased with something someone said before? And you can tell they got displeased, but it's not because of what they said. But you can imagine these scribes as their eyes started looking away from Jesus, as their brows furrowed as they maybe shook their heads a little bit as they were wrestling in their hearts. Who is this man who's now speaking against God? Assuming the authority that only God has their hearts become darker in a matter of word and their souls? Blasphemy. This is the charge that they will bring against Jesus in the Sanhedrin in chapter 14, this is the charge by which Jesus will be condemned to death

Jesus's proclamation of forgiveness was made knowing that these men would someday use this proclamation of this man sins being forgiven, to nail Him to a cross. And he still loved him. Still said Your sins are forgiven. Let's face it, they're actually they're theologically Correct. Right? These are Marion's? These scribes are actually right. theologically, it's only God who can forgive sins. I mean, I'm gonna give you a crass example. Okay, if I went to the elevator, and I was drinking coffee with with some of the farmers in there, and I punch Mark McElhaney in the face. Jay Hutchison can't stand up and say it's okay Brian, I forgive you. Why? Cuz I didn't punch Jay. I use only the person who has wronged can forgive our sins. Our transgressions are against God alone. This is what David we admit there's theological knots people will go over what David says in Psalm 51. When he says against you and you alone have I sinned? The point is the ultimate guilt for every transgression of the law is against God Most High. Every sin that we commit, as RC Sproul was famous for saying is cosmic treason. It's only the ruler of the universe can forgive sins, so that right?

The scribes are right. But they don't understand how wrong they are. Because what they don't understand is a man standing before them is no mere man.

But he is the word become flesh. He is the divine law giver. He is the one transgressions are against. And Jesus explains this to them. Look at me I want you to behold, in verse eight and through 12, the whole Jesus the Messiah, verses eight through 12.

But immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they reason thus within themselves, I love that part. Jesus is omniscient. Not a word has come out of their mouths and yet Jesus knows what's going on in their hearts. They haven't uttered a single syllable Jesus knows the argument they're having within themselves. Why do you reason about these things in your hearts? Which is easier to say to the paralytic, Your sins are forgiven? Or to say, arise, take up your bed and walk. Which one's easier? Which What do you think? If this was talking talk, I'd say let's take a poll. Raise your hand, which one do you think is easier? The answer is, neither are easy. Right? Neither of these things can any human being possibly do on their own.

But one of them is verifiable. One of them is not. One of them you can see and have evidence for

the other is something written in heaven. Jesus continues. But you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, He said to the paralytic, I say to you arise, take up your bed and go to your house.

Jesus has told this man, Your sins are forgiven, but he has the trust by faith that that's true. Here Jesus shows that every word he speaks is true. He doesn't do anything. He doesn't apply some sound to him, he doesn't put braces on his legs. He doesn't give him some crutches. The words that came out of Jesus's mouth, your sins are forgiven you is an immediate declarative act. And for eternity, things are changed. Then the words come out of his mouth. Arise, get out, go to your house. The same power that raised that man up from his bed is the same power that can forgive since everybody. Everybody in that crowded room, shoulder to shoulder, dusting off the dirt off their heads. jaws hit the ground. Jesus displace his authority. Jesus commands a creation, this human being and response. Jesus commands healing in the man obey. I'd like to talk to that guy in heaven. And just ask him when Jesus said that. How long had it been since you walked? Was there a moment of hesitation at all? Like, Well, Jesus, I just tried to walk this morning and I fell down on my feet. I just wonder I mean, this is all speculative right here. I don't know what was going through that man's mind.

But Jesus tells him a rise. And he does it. He gets up. Under if he was one of the people who made

this happen. They just had to let me down through the roof. And I get to take my mat and go home I

want you to be amazed the fifth point I want you to be amazed that Jesus just snapped in the second half of verse 12. Immediately he arose, took up the bed went out in the presence of the mall so that all were amazed and glorified God saying, We never saw anything like I need to ask you when you come to the Gospels, have you become so story? Eyes Christians, that these remain nothing but good fables to tell your kids? Are you still amazed that this is actually history?

Do you to behold your Savior? Are you still amazed by him? That he has the power to heal the hands and power to forgive sins? Because it's when we're in awe of God that the response of knowing Jesus

is glorifying God. That's what's the second part of verse 12 said, and they glorified God. Do you know what it means to worship God and spirit and in truth means to be an of who God is to know who we are as sinners, and to stand in absolute amazement and sing his praises, for he's not like anyone else we've ever met to glorify God, they were amazed at him. And they confess to one another. They're walking home and say, can you believe what just happened? That guy came in here on a mat and he walked out walking. I don't know how that happens. Can you believe that God would give such a 40?

I think this might be the son of me. I think this might be the one that Daniel prophesied.

I think that might be the Messiah. I think the king has finally come. Because everybody's going home. Jesus gets off and and the second part of this is he walks out of the house and he goes along with the sea. And he goes along with the scene, and he starts teaching, he's preaching and people are listening. They're following along with him. And as he gets to this juncture in the road, he comes to this place. It's a major, it's a major intersection enough that you have traffic that you have a tax collector sitting at booths. I don't know about you, but I I'm not a huge fan of taxman. I know they have jobs to do but they're not my favorite people. At least our jobs not my favorite, but in the old tests are in the in this period of time in the Roman rule, they were despised. Number one, they were in cahoots with the Romans. Number two. They're extortion errs. Do you know how you make sure that you get taxes in the old way? Well, make sure you have some Roman guards with you. Make sure you have some enforcers along the side of you. And as Jesus is walking along the road, he sees a man standing by a tax booth, Levi his Hebrew name, Matthew has given name. And he says to this man, follow me

you want to talk about a sinner? We don't know what the sins of a paralytic were. Matthew is a tax collector. He's a Benedict Arnold. He has no problem betraying the patriotism of his people if he can line his own pocket.

And here he stands as a senator. And Jesus calls to Him Jesus commands him follow me. As I think when he called Simon when he called Andrew when he called Jacob when he when he called these fishermen. They could go back to their boats.

They go back to their livelihood. Not leave if you walk away from a tax collector job. You're not getting it back. You walk away from this lucrative career. There's no pleading to get rehired. Because now you've shown you're willing to turn your back on your own people. And you're willing to turn your back on the Roman authorities. You think the Romans want to hire you back?

Not a chance. Levi at this moment is faced with does he obey Jesus's command? Does he lose his reputation? Does he lose his lucrative career? Does he lose face with his co workers?

Why follow Jesus? Remarkably, he obeyed. Holy Spirit does this work in his heart that for some reason, we don't know why. He would lose everything to follow Jesus. Let me ask you in your life would you be willing to lose your job? Your reputation, your finances, family, your comfort, your ego to go follow Christ.

And then the Greek physician displays the riches of his grace. Last section 15 through 17. Now it happened as he was dining with in Levi's house that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and his disciples, for they were many and they followed him. And when the scribes and the Pharisees saw him eating with the tax collectors and Senators, they said to his disciples, how is it that he eats with tax good luck and drinks with tax collectors and sinners? We have the scrupulous scribes again. Right Jesus is there and he's eating with tax collectors and sinners. The other gospels tell us, Levi immediately starts repenting, he research repaying everybody wrong that he's done. And instead of the scribes rejoicing, can you believe it? There's tax collectors, repenting. They're sinners who are turning the Messiah is really come. The scrupulous scribes have problems. Right sinners are resigning their jobs of immorality and turning towards God. Lawless people are being are being taught by the Messiah himself. And the strides have a problem. irreligious people are coming into contact with a word made flesh, and the Americans are grumbling. Why? party where Jesus is that, and his most likely teaching them remember Jesus, whenever he's around people, he's always teaching, he's always preaching. So we find them doing in verses in verse two when he was preaching the word to them. And then in verse 13, he was teaching them so it's most likely that is Jesus as the as the guest of honor at this banquet. He's teaching them he's caring for them. He's preaching to them. He's instructing them. Now, as Jesus sits in that seat of honor, they're speaking against him.

Jesus, here's speaking loud enough that Jesus actually here. So the first part of our passage earlier was Jesus knew what was going on in their hearts. Now, it's the imperfect as the scribes keep on saying to the disciples, it's like again and again and again. Jesus crushes it often seems the first couple of times, but he hears them grumbling in the background, why is he eating with tax collectors and sinners? Why is eating with tax collectors and sinners? Andrew, why is he eating with tax collectors and sinners? Jesus says, Hold on body's not sick, who need a physician, or sorry, it's not that not those who are well who need a physician. But it's the sick. I do did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Jesus as the great physician is getting at the issue of the human soul. He comes with his Greek physician who can do a heart transplant. There is no cardiac surgeon on this planet like Jesus Christ. For he takes out a heart stone. And he gives us a heart of flesh. As he's doing it at the banquet. The scribes are missing it out of their self righteousness.

So I need to ask you whose righteousness to us need? Maybe some of you. Maybe some of you have forgotten that the righteousness you have is a given righteousness

is a righteousness that the great king has roped you in and it's not your own. Maybe some of you have forgotten what the Westminster Confession says that we ought to be people who are confessing specific sins specifically.

Have you become door to the grips that sin still has in your heart?

Honest exercise for you now. Ask yourself in your prayer life. No one else knows this but you in your prayer life.

When is the last time you went to the Lord and told him about your specific sins and pleaded with him to cleanse you. This is the heart of the gospel. For if we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins. and cleanse us of all of our righteousness. Are we like Isaiah?

Fools we come before the Holy One of God. We say well are we? For we are people of unclean lips? Do you go to great to see a great physician?

The one who cares for you body and soul? Are you amazed by him? Do you worship Him? Senator come to the great physician who can hear you body and soul. Trust in Him alone.

For He came for those who are sick and need a righteousness not erode.

Let's pray. Father, thank you for sending your son. For we were once dead. You paid us alive. You have given us your spirit. You've watched us queen.

Father, I pray that your people might have by the power of your Holy Spirit clean consciences. hearts that are honest about their need for the great physician and that you would do the internal work in our souls. And we might live with you forever. glorify You in Jesus's name.

Thanks for listening to this week's message from God's word for you. The Ministry of sharing RP church in rural southeast Iowa. We pray that the message would be used by God to transform your faith in your life this week. If you'd like to get more information about us, feel free to go to the website. Sharon RPC that org. We'd love to invite you to worship with us. Our worship time is 10am Every Sunday at 25204 1/60 Avenue. Morning Sun Iowa five to 640 may God richly bless you this week.

Transcribed by