Covid 19 & Phase Plans

PLAN UPDATE - Worship will be OUTSIDE June 7th, 2020

A Pastoral Word

God has been encouraging us in Ephesians with the unity we have with Him and each other. Satan and the world would love to divide us. But, Jesus died to make us one with Him and with each other!

It has been a joy to see you all use your gifts creatively during this time. You’re participation with online services, Bible studies, and prayer meetings has been an encouragement. Your calling, messaging, and overall caring for each other has been a blessing to hear about. Jesus is building His church, virus or no virus. You Church, are an joy to us.

There will be at least two responses to the elders’ plans below:

First, you may feel these plans are too restrictive. We are asking you to join us in caring for each other and our community by being as safe as we possibly can be. Our desire is to keep the 6th commandment. We must take precautions for those who are susceptible to this virus. The elders, with you, deeply desire to worship God together.

Secondly, some of you may feel these plans are too risky. We trust your judgment in caring for yourself and your family. If you need to stay home to care for your health please do so. We will continue to offer worship online. There is an increased burden for you and your family to maintain fellowship in whatever ways you can. We trust God will return everyone to public worship in His timing.

This is only a road map back to corporate worship. We may need to adjust our route or slow down as we navigate this new terrain. 

May God be glorified as we gather to worship Him. 

Our 4 Phase plan:

Phase 1 - 2 weeks of online worship

Phase 2 - 2 weeks of outdoor worship

Phase 3 - 2 weeks of social distancing with in the church - no Sunday school, lunch, or chalk & talk

Phase 4 - Return to normal worship practices

PLAN UPDATE - Worship will be OUTSIDE June 7th & June 14, 2020

phase plan expanded.jpg

Guidelines (for all phases)

Here are some standards that will be important for each phase of this process:

  1. Streaming worship services will continue in all phases.

  2. Anyone with symptoms indicative of COVID-19 must stay home - see medical guidance here. For those with symptoms we encourage you to use an on-line screening tool and follow medical guidance.

  3. Anyone exposed to COVID-19 should seek medical guidance (via on-line screening above) regarding self-quarantine or other precautions.

  4. The church building will be not only cleaned, but additionally common contact points will be disinfected prior to each service.

  5. Hygiene: We will be posting signage in restrooms about proper hand washing and other signage in the building to encourage vigilance in preventing the spread of germs. Hand sanitizer will be available.

Phase 1 (May 10 - May 17) 

We will gather online for worship. 

Phase 2 (May 24 - May 31) 

We will gather outside the church building for worship. 

  • Worship will begin at 10:00am. 

  • You may sit outside - chairs will be available or you can bring your own - all chairs must be placed a minimum of 6 feet apart. 

  • You may also stay in your vehicle and participate. The service will be broadcasted through FM radio.

  • You may also remain home and worship online. 

  • In an attempt to mitigate the spread of the virus we will not be providing psalters or Bibles. If you need one you may ask ahead of time and we will give you a copy to keep. 

  • We will not be partaking of communion at this phase. 

  • There will be no coffee or refreshments served and no fellowship meals. 

  • The bathrooms are available but should be reserved for emergency use.

  • Children will not be allowed to play on the playground equipment. 

PLAN UPDATE - Worship will be OUTSIDE June 7th & 14th, 2020

Moving to Phase 3 (June 6 - June 14)

As we plan to open the building for worship this Sunday, here are the things you need to know:

  • Social distancing will be required; no handshakes, high-fives, hugs, holy kisses, elbow-bumps, or hanging around within 6 feet of each other. Please instruct your kids ahead of time about these guidelines.

  • The live-stream will be available from 10:00am onward for anyone who decides to stay at home.

  • The family room will be available as a remote location for families with small children to use if necessary.

  • Those over 65 and anyone whose health places them at a higher risk of infection are strongly encouraged to remain home.

  • We will be removing or restricting common contact points: there will be no Bibles or Psalters available for your use. If you don't like to sing off your phone, please bring your own Psalter; if you need a Bible or Psalter, we will be glad to give you one. 

  • The deacons will collect the offering, but the plate will not be passed. 

  • There will be no coffee or refreshments served and no fellowship meals. 

  • The bathrooms are available but should be reserved for emergency use.

  • Following each service, ushers will dismiss you by rows. Please proceed outside and observe social distancing before you leave.

  • Face masks are recommended. We are not requiring them.

Phase 4 - June 21

Lord willing if all things go well we will return to normal worship services by this date. 

  • It is the deep desire of the session that at this time we will show our unity with Christ and each other by partaking of the Lord’s Supper together