All right, send a text message. Great. And then we are ready to go live. Perfect. Well, good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to Coffee and devotions is where every day you and I we get together we get into the Lord's word and we grow in our love for the Lord together. And this year 2020 To make we'll make it all the way from the book of Acts, to the book of fire Lehman. Today we're at Romans chapter three. When we have some coffee, we'll pray and we'll get into the Lord's word but let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your word. Father, we pray that this morning, we would come face to face with our need for you. We pray, Lord, that we would know who we are and know who you are. In Jesus's name, Amen. All right, here we go. Romans chapter three. Romans chapter three verses nine through 20 I didn't you make sure that that's actually right. Yeah, verses nine through 20. Okay, Romans chapter three verses nine through 20. Here we go. What then? Are we any better than they? Not at all? For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks. are that they are all under sin. As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one. There is no one who understands There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside They have together become unprofitable. There is none who does good. No, not one. Their throat is an open tomb. And with their tongues they have practiced deceit. The poison of asps is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness. Their feet are swift shed blood, destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace they have not known there is no fear of God before their eyes. Now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and that all the words may become guilty before God or the world may become guilty before God. Therefore, by the deeds of the law, no flesh will be justified in His sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin. Well, we have quite a heavy passage just start our day off we need to ask ourselves a What is this about be what's the best verse to summarize this and see, what are we called to do in response to these words, what is this about? As what RC Sproul would call radical corruption are what is typically known as total depravity, not saying that we are as sinful as we could be, but that each and every one of us are under the charge of sin. Every single one of us has fallen short of the glory of God. Every single one of us is guilty of sin. the Westminster Confession when it talks about this passage and this idea talks about us being sinners, in thoughts in words and in deeds. We think wrongly, we speak wrongly, and we do wrongly. And this is everybody in the world, both Jews and Greeks. Those are the only two categories in a Jewish person's mind. There are Jewish people and non Jewish people. I think all of us are understand why because the law shows us our sin. And so he pulls together these different verses. And he shows them from the prophets from the oracles of God. That Jews are also sinners, that each and every one of us God has said, here's a line you shall not cross it, and we cross it. God says here are the good works you're supposed to do, right? We're supposed to impart grace to those who hear us and what do we do? We tear people down. He gives us good things to do and instead we we twist things there's nothing, no area in our life where sin hasn't mess things up. Or twisted things up. Agustin says after the fall after we had sinned that first time in the garden, we can become people who are not able not to sin. We are from our very nature from our hearts. We have this problem that we are under the condemnation of God because from our hearts, we are sinners.
There is none righteous, no, not one. There is none who understands There is none who seeks after God. All of us have gone our own way. We've all gone astray. We chase after our own hearts, we go after our own idols, we desire to do whatever we want to do. And so we find ourselves in quite a predicament. In this passage, it is pointing out to us that we are in desperate need because we cannot be justified when we stand before a righteous God. What is the conclusion here? By the deeds of the law? no flesh will be justified in His sight. We can't do enough good deeds to make ourselves righteous. Because by definition, if we break a single law we are law breakers. You know, I was reading a story recently of this horrible, horrible situation of abuse. And, and this is Rachel den Hollanders book. What's the girl's worth? And in this book, she talks about her abuser and she says that he had he had created this foundation to help people with handicaps and had done all these amazing things. But no matter how many good things he did, they couldn't undo the evil he had done. There is none righteous, no, not one. We have a problem. The second I become a law breaker the second you become a law breaker. We're no longer righteous. So how can we stand in the presence of righteous and holy God? This is where he's going to spend the next few chapters spinning us out and in chapters 4567 and eight. What is the answer? It is Jesus Christ and we'll get there in a more clear since the marble the thrust here this morning is we need to be sober about who we are. What's the best verse to summarize us? Well, I have in my Bible verses 1011 and 12. Right, that there is none righteous, no, not one. There is none who understands There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside They have together become unprofitable There is none who does good. No, not one by the deeds a lot. no flesh shall be justified in His sight. That's what I have underlined in my Bible. What would you what are you called to do now in response to these words, cry out to Christ. Lord, save me. We can't look to ourselves. I cannot look to myself. The Lord knows how I become sinfully angry with my children. The Lord knows that I am covetous of other people have the Lord knows when I'm gluttonous instead of having self control. The Lord knows when I when I have bitterness in my heart, rather than rejoicing at someone else's good. The Lord knows the times that I've been angry. The Lord knows. The Lord knows our hearts. There's no secret of our heart not hidden as when we are honest with ourselves, and we realize that we are those people from Genesis chapter six that the intent of our heart is only evil continually. It is in as broken people as honest with ourselves people that were able to look to a righteousness not around that we must look for salvation from someone else. That we realize that we need Christ that we need redemption. That the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus His Son, that He gives us a living hope in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. So what do you call it to do go cling to Christ? confess your sin. For if we confess our sin, He is faithful and he is just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all of our unrighteousness look to your righteous God. Go to him. Let's pray. Father, we thank You.
We thank you that you are honest with us. It's not easy to accept these truths. But Lord, we pray that by your Spirit, you might open our eyes to see the depths of sin in our lives, to see our selfishness to see our bitterness, to see your anger, to see our idolatry, to see our lack of love. And Father, we pray that you would make us new creations. We pray that we would be those who would modify the sinful desires of our flesh. Because we love Christ. Lord, please make us more like you purifies Lord, we pray in Jesus's name. Amen. May you cling to Jesus Christ alone. And as you cling to him with a living hope. May you walk in the joy and peace that could only come from the Lord. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye
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